Camp Mosey Wood

The native beauty of the Pocono Mountains is preserved within the 425 acres of the Mosey Wood property in Kidder Township, Carbon County, PA. Rhododendron, mountain laurel, blueberry and huckleberry bushes abound in the shade of oak, beech, sassafras, and birch trees. White-tailed deer, chipmunks, and rabbits are just a few of the woodland animals who make Mosey Wood their homes. Give yourself a treat and don’t miss the sunset on Mosey Wood Pond.
Facilities include a large dining hall, and a commercial kitchen. There are 15 camping sites including warm weather platform tents with unit shelters, as well as cabin and lodge options. There is also a large, heated shower house. Mosey Wood offers a wide variety of activities. Follow along the Rhododendron trail to swimming and boating on the lake, rock climbing in the Pavilion or at the Challenge Tower, an archery range, a traditional high ropes course in the trees, and a 17 element, multi-tiered challenge tower which culminates with dueling zip lines across Mosey Wood Pond.
During the summer, Camp Mosey Wood, provides seven weeks of overnight summer camp for campers entering grades 1-12, with a wide variety of themes. Campers during the summer may enjoy the activities offered year-round in addition to arts and crafts, swimming, and many programs include tripping opportunities.
Seasonally Activities: Bouldering, Archery, Low Ropes, Climbing Wall, High Ropes, Challenge Tower and Dueling Zip Lines
Ape is the Director of Camp Mosey Wood/Girl Experience Specialist at GSEP. It is a very fitting role, because Ape loves camp and loves Girl Scouts! Two of Ape’s favorite activities in the outdoors are climbing and being on the water, making Camp Mosey Wood the perfect place for her! She has been belaying and running high challenge courses for over twenty years. She even introduces the challenge tower at Mosey Wood as “Ape’s Playground.” Ape also enjoys the water, she has been on several week-long canoeing trips, spent time in the Boundary Waters in Minnesota, and of course, loves Mosey Wood Pond!
The summer of 2025 will be Ape’s 33rd summer at a Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania summer camp. She grew up at Camp Tweedale in Oxford, PA. Spent nine summers at Tweedale as a camper and twelve on staff. She had positions that ranged from unit counselor to sports director to assistant and program director. After Camp Tweedale closed its tent flaps in 2013, Ape made the tough decision about where to go next. She chose Camp Mosey Wood, where she became the assistant camp director in 2014 and has been the camp director since 2015. Ape loves the Girl Scout movement and is a lifetime member.
Ape graduated from West Chester University of Pennsylvania in 2006 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Health and Physical Education and holds a teaching certificate. Ape has used her passion for teaching throughout her Girl Scout career, continuing to teach camp staff. Outside of camp Ape is an avid fan of the Phillies and is also a Disney adult!
Ways to Contact:
During the Year
General Inquiries to Member Services at memberservices@gsep.org
Specific Camp Mosey Wood Program Questions to Ape at abeattie@gsep.org.
Summer (June 10 – August 10)
Registration Inquiries to Member Services at memberservices@gsep.org
All other inquiries call camp at (570) 722-9284 or email Ape at abeattie@gsep.org.