Step back in time as older Girl Scouts lead you on a sweet
three-hour tour of the history of maple syrup! Experience everything
from the discovery of maple sugar to how maple syrup is produced
today. Taste-test sap and syrup to learn which one is your favorite
and learn the science behind
collecting sap and the process to
make it into syrup. This program runs three hours and has staggered
start times. You will be prompted to select your start time during the
registration process. Includes snack, drink, event patch, and earn
part of your Girl Scout Ways Badge. While this is open to
ages, programming is best suited for our Daisy through Junior Girl
Scout age levels. All troops must meet girl-adult rations for their
group. Individual
girls must be accompanied by a registered
adult. All adults must have a satisfactory background check on file to
participate in programs.
Adults Needed - When registering as an adult for this program, you are registering to attend to help with the troop or group you are registering with.